TeethXpress is a biomechanically-stable, immediate load protocol for fully edentulous patients without the use of expensive CT, surgical guides or angled implants. BioHorizons Tapered implants with
Laser-Lok technology provide superior primary stability for immediate load. Short Laser-Lok Complete implants are placed in the posterior for maximum healing to avoid bone grafting or angled implants. The TeethXpress technique and technologies create a stable and predictable immediate load solution that will make your patients smile.
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Laser-Lok technology
creates a connective tissue seal and maintains crestal bone

optimized threadform
tapered buttress threads engineered for superior stability for immediate load
multi-unit components
Intelligent component design for restorative flexibility and ease of use

short tapered implants with Laser-Lok Complete
Faster osseointegration* and bone maintenance from short Laser-Lok Complete implants
Straight Multi-unit abutments